Hundleton WI members enjoyed delicious food and a good atmosphere at the Annual Dinner, held at The Coach House, Pembroke on Friday January 17.
Guest speaker at the January meeting, held at Gilead School Room, was Mr Phil Lloyd who gave a talk and showed film slides on ‘Things you Did Not Know about Pembrokeshire’. He gave an account on his time as a police officer. A vote of thanks was given by Margaret Davies.
Winners of the monthly competition ‘A Photo of Pembrokeshire’ were: 1st Marilyn Williams; 2nd Margaret Davies; 3rd Margaret Luff. Tea hostesses were Margaret Brown and Margaret Davies.
The results of the Rosebowl Competitions Cup 2024 were: 1st Marilyn Williams; 2nd Jayne Smith; 3rd Margaret Luff; 4th Pauline Charlett.

The February meeting will be held on February 4 with guest speaker Alison Kavanagh demonstrating ‘Chair Yoga’.