The Trustees of the Tenby Charities continue to meet on the first Wednesday of each month on the small School Room at St John’s Church, Warren Street, Tenby. The Trustees make regular pension payments to over 100 pensioners who live within Tenby and have lived in Tenby for more than 15 years.
At their Annual General meeting earlier this year, the Trustees of the Tenby Charities were pleased to re-elect Mr Christopher Hughes as their Chairman and Mrs Sarah Williams as their Vice Chairman.
Enquiries regarding applications for consideration as pensioner of the Charities can be made to the office of the Clerk to the Trustees which is at Lewis & Lewis Co Ltd, County Chambers, Warren Street, Tenby SA70 7JS (01834 844844). Application forms can also be obtained from the office of the Clerk. The Trustees encourage pensioners to make such enquiries.