Congratulations to the second language pupils at Llys Hywel who have got through to the 2nd round of the ‘Cwis Dim Clem’ quiz.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Pupils joined in a range of activities to promote mental health in school during Mental Health Awareness Week. Activities included walking a mile every day, throughout the whole month of May, giving out random complements to people and staff, sharing a reel with tips and advice for others, and wearing green to raise awareness.

Mental Health week
Mae’r plant wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn gymryd rhan mewn sw gweithgaredd I godi ymwybyddiaeth am wythnos iechyd meddwl, gan gynnwys cerdded milltir bob dydd, try gydol mis Mai, rhannu tips I help eraill a gwisgo’n wyrdd. (Ysgol Llys Hywel)

Princes Gate Water talk

The school is grateful to Princes Gate Water for their session about how to lead a healthy lifestyle. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed it and were pleased with their bottles of water!

Princes Gate talk
Braf oedd cael cwmni Princes Gate Water am ddod fewn i wneud sesiwn i hyrwyddo pwysigrwydd byw'n iach. Mwynhaodd y disgyblion yn fawr ac roeddent wrth eu boddau efo'u boteli dŵr! (Ysgol Llys Hywel)

Gwersyll Llangrannog camp

Year 6 pupils of Llys Hywel were very fortunate to spend three full days at the Urdd Llangrannog camp before half term. Pupils took part in many activities, such as, horse riding, Trampolining, skying, swimming, climbing wall and more.

Roedd disgyblion blwyddyn 6 wedi mwynhau mas draw am drydie’ yng ngwersyll yr Urdd, Llangrannog cyn hanner tymor. Bu’r plant yn gymryd rhan mewn sawl gweithgaredd gan gynnwys Ceffylau, Trampolin, Bag Neidio, sgїo, nofio a’r wal ddringio. (Ysgol Llys Hywel)