Glass artist Roberta Mason from St Dogmaels has had a busy first quarter of the year and is looking forward to taking part in next month’s ‘Coeden: Amid the Trees’ exhibition at Pembrokeshire’s Upton Castle Gardens.

“We had a super exciting commission to start the year and felt very honoured to be asked to make ceremonial vessel for the River Wye,” she says. “It's been amazing to see at how it has been integrated into discussions and campaigns by the action groups Save the Wye and River Action UK.

Roberta has also made two smaller, hand held, vessels for the film and event 'Rave On for the Avon' which debuted on April 23 in Bristol.

Roberta’s first exhibition of the season, 'Our Ocean', opened at Rachel Bebb Contemporary in Hampshire on May 11 featuring her new sculptural work based on the Ascidians. On June 8, World Oceans Day, she will be speaking about the journey toward sustainability.

Fresh Air Sculpture provided a bursary for Roberta to develop an outdoor sculpture for their 2024 exhibition which opens June 16. The maquette for her work, 'Bubbling Away' for Fresh Air is inspired by Bubble coral (Plerogyra sinuosa) and made with repurposed waste glass and limestone. It will be donated to their ECCO scheme, encouraging children to engage with art.

“It's not always about the ocean. Trees and forests are also a passion, so I'm absolutely thrilled to be exhibiting some new sculptures at Upton Castle Gardens in Pembrokeshire as part of their Coeden: Amid the Trees, summer exhibition.”

The exhibition opens on June 30. Roberta has made both indoor and outdoor sculptures for the event based on the wild, entangled world of fungi.