AS the Steps2Health walkers look back on their December outings, the club thanks the ladies of St Johns for helping to make its last walk of the year a very happy event, and wishes all readers the very best for the year to come.
On December 7, Storm Darragh came through to the sound of wrecked greenhouses and fallen trees. Mindful of the rare Red weather warning, the group decided to cancel its planned walk. However, thanks to the wonderful staff at the Giltar Hotel, Tenby, the club Christmas lunch went ahead. Steps2Health offer their commiserations to the three members who really couldn’t get there, but over 50 of members had a lovely time. The food was good and the service impeccable, as always.

December 14 saw 38 club members make the journey to Amroth. The weather was mild, calm and even sunny at times, a perfect day for walking and a welcome change after the previous week. Barbara, backed by Jane, led the Speedies up the long hill to Colby Woodland Garden. Annie, backed by Chris, led the Steadies along the easier route along the seafront to the county boundary and start of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path. After their lap of Colby Gardens, the Speedies arrived back at the Amroth Arms shortly before the Steadies returned. The pub did a magnificent job of feeding and watering all the walkers who piled into their warm and cheery establishment.

Despite the inclement weather, 38 walkers turned out in Tenby for the traditional Santa walk on the 21st. In the usual two groups, they headed off towards Black Rock. The Speedies led by Kym and Brian carried on to Cottage Crossing and returned via the golf course. Marlene and Donna took the Steadies on the shorter route through Kiln Park and back to town. A treat was in store at St Johns Church. After admiring the delightful Christmas Tree festival, there was a very warm festive welcome in the school room. There were mince pies, coffee and mulled wine plus a raffle of Christmas fare.