The owner of Pembroke Power Station, RWE, is consulting on plans for a battery energy storage system in Pembroke. Have your say on plans to support the renewable energy transition!

Pembroke Power Station generates electricity for approximately four million homes – over twice the number of homes in Wales. 

RWE Pembroke Battery is the next technology proposed for Pembroke Net Zero Centre, a new hub of low-carbon innovation and energy projects.

Battery energy storage enables energy generated from renewables to be stored for when the sun isn’t shining, or wind isn’t blowing, instead of having to rely on gas and other non-renewable energy sources.

The project will look like a series of small low-level industrial units, around the size of shipping containers. These will be laid out in rows across the site area and connected to a transformer area in the northeast corner of the site.

RWE aims to minimise the landscape and visual impact of the proposed development.

Alongside plans to decarbonise the power station, projects that make up Pembroke Net Zero Centre will help safeguard the 100 existing jobs at Pembroke Power Station.

“During operation,” RWE states, “the Pembroke Battery would result in minimal disruption to local communities. Routine activities would primarily involve ongoing maintenance, safety and security checks, including replacement of components.”

“The lifespan of a typical battery project is assumed to be 40 years. However, as the system is modular, it is possible that components can be replaced as required, which could prolong the life of the scheme,” the consultation document adds.

A physical copy of summary consultation documents, along with feedback forms and Freepost envelopes, will be available for inspection at Pembroke Dock Library,  Pembroke Library & Tourist Centre and Neyland Library throughout the consultation period. These locations also have computer facilities to access the consultation website.

The consultation on RWE’s plans is currently live and ends on Monday, July 15.

Members of the community can contact the project team and leave feedback via the project website, call 01646 370090, email [email protected] or by writing to ’Freepost PNZC Consultation’.