John Archer-Thompson made a return visit to Tenby Arts Club on Friday.  His subject was Flora and Fauna of Pembrokeshire. 

John gave a delightful talk, illustrated with many slides of his own photographs. He started with lichens and progressed to wild flowers by way of toadstools.  He admitted that his illustrations were more flora than fauna but nonetheless several small creatures were captured on the beautiful photographs.

John talked about folklore and superstition around certain flowers and gave us many amazing facts, one of which was that a species of lichen survived a journey on the outside of the space station and returned to earth to survive.

It was a most interesting and informative evening and all agreed that the photographs were superb and showed close-ups of the tiniest of flowers - most of which were identified by John with their Latin name followed by their common name. 

He is a most knowledgeable speaker and the members are always glad to welcome him.