This autumn marks 25 years of Tenby Talking Newspaper, enabling participants with impaired sight to stay in touch with their community.

In October 1999 a team of volunteer readers began recording highlights from the Tenby Observer and posting them out to people who would find it difficult or impossible to read the paper.

At that time the recording and duplicating equipment was complicated and bulky. Recording was done on cassette tapes, with all their attendant problems. Now, 25 years later, the equipment is now much smaller and easier to use. For the last five years the news has been sent out on memory sticks, replacing the CDs which were used for ten years before that.

Five teams are involved in the recording and distribution, each team recording once every five weeks.

The memory stick arrives in a pouch which recipients use to return the stick after listening. There is no postage to pay. A small device on which to play the memory stick is available, free of charge. It’s a very easy process and a member of the teams is available to demonstrate if required.

If you know of someone who would like to receive the recording, contact Eva Rich on 01834 812868.